This is Henry, our great-grandson! He will be 6 -months-old on the 4th of October, and he is as "cute as a bug", as we Southerners say. ( I guess we think bugs are cute? I don't!!)
We don't get to see him very much because of the distance, but we love him as much as---well, I can't even think of anything to compare him to! My grandson, R. married S. June 1rst, 2017, and Henry was born April 4th of this year! What a sweet, plump, huggable, yummy, (I could go on!), baby, and his laugh is precious and infectious.
Henry is our late daughter's grandson, and she would be totally in love with him, as we all are! She passed away when she was 31, from an undetected heart problem. R. --our only grandson then--was only 7. She was born on10/01/66 -- so, on 10/01/18, she would have been 52 years old. We still, and always will miss her and love her very much.
Now, R. has a 5-year-old little boy, J., (S. was married before), and Henry--his (almost 6 months old) son. He looks very much like R. did when he was a baby. What a blessing he is to everyone, and his half-brother, J., loves him so much too. Below is R., holding both J. and Henry. After all R. has been through since he was 7-years-old, he is so very deserving of a happy life and a lovely family of his own. He turned out so well and I am so proud of him!! Beneath, is a picture of him with his two boys!!!
AND, I want to tell those of you who kindly read here: our grandson, David, who has Crohn's, is in clinical remission!
We just found this out in the last two weeks. This is the first time the doctors have declared he is in a real remission. We are beyond happy, and I can see a difference in the way he acts, that he feels better, both physically and emotionally. They came to visit us both Friday night and last night after David and his dad had gone hunting. You know that his mom and dad and sister, and my husband and I are filled with joy about this news.
Although we are cramped for space--we all just enjoy being together. Thank heavens, they like to come to see us. We love to go there, too, but it's not as easy for me to get around as it once was. I so wish it were.
Y'all have a good week!! I know I don't post very much, but I just wanted you, who have been praying and keeping up here, to know about David's joyful news. Thank you for your prayers--for both David and Kat.
the wanderer